About the II Iberoamerican Meeting on Solidarity Economy and Socioecological Innovation 2023
The Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica, the Escuela Ciencias de la Administración (ECA) and the Red Iberoamericana de Investigadores en Economía Solidaria e Innovación Socioecológica (RIIESISE), are pleased to convene the "II Encuentro Iberoamericano de Ecnonomía Solidaria e Innovación Socioecológica 2023", to be held on October 12, 13 and 14, 2023, in hybrid format (face-to-face and virtual) at the Universidad Estatal a Distancia, UNED, Costa Rica.
The Ibero-American Meetings on Solidarity Economy and Socio-ecological Innovation, organized by the network of Ibero-American CIRIEC chapters, aim to become scientific meeting points where researchers and teachers periodically discuss issues related to the links between the social and solidarity economy and the processes of socio-ecological transformation, characteristic of this region.
The objective of this meeting is to consolidate the Iberoamerican Network of Researchers in Solidarity Economy and Socioecological Innovation (RIIESISE) and to give continuity to the scientific congresses focused on the analysis of the development of these topics in the Iberoamerican region.
If you are interested in participating in this II Meeting, and joining the Network, presenting the advances of your research in these topics, you can send your communications to
Lines of research
- Processes and experiences of socioecological transition and innovation in Ibero-America: theory and practice.
- Linking environmental and organizational analysis in the territories.
- Links between social movements, their organizations and the institutionalization of territorial development processes.
- Current situation of the social and solidarity economy in Ibero-America, its macro and meso-economic dimensions and its contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Problems of social economy entities in Ibero-America and their challenges in the consolidation of fair markets.
- The role of ICTs in the development of the social and solidarity economy and the processes of socio-ecological transformation,
- Teaching the Social and Solidarity Economy in the Ibero-American Higher Education Area.
Presentation of communications
All papers submitted, once they have passed the review processes, and with the acceptance of their authors, will be published in one of the following scientific journals,
- Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Solidaria e Innovación Socioecológica (RIESISE) http://www.uhu.es/publicaciones/ojs/index.php/RIESISE/index,
- Revista de Economía Mundial (REM) http://uhu.es/publicaciones/ojs/index.php/REM/index,
- Revista CIRIEC-Costa Rica https://revistasecauned.com/index.php/ciriec
Fechas importantes:
Close summary submission
Close sending of comunications
Links of Interest
Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Solidaria e Innovación Socioecológica (RIESISE)Event Venue
The event will be held on October 12, 13 and 14, 2023, at the Central Headquarters of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia, UNED. Mercedes de Montes de Oca, San José, Costa Rica.
Scientific Committee
- Federico Li. UNED. CIRIEC-Costa Rica.
- Juan Fernando Álvarez. Universidad Javeriana. CIRIEC-Colombia.
- Karol Gil Vásquez, Universidad de Boston (EEUU)
- Daniel Ménezes, Universidad MacKenzie. CIRIEC-Brasil.
- Carmen Marcuello, Universidad de Zaragoza. CIRIEC-España.
- Fabio Orejuela, Universidad Santiago de Cali. CIRIEC-Colombia.
- Monserrat Espinach, UNED. CIRIEC-Costa Rica
- Natalia Sandoval, Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile)
- David Flores, Universidad de Huelva. CIRIEC-España.