About the International Congress CIRIEC 2023
The Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica, the Escuela Ciencias de la Administración (ECA); CIRIEC-Costa Rica, the CIRIEC-Costa Rica magazine and the Revista Nacional de Administración (RNA), are pleased to convene the International Conference "The social economy in the development of Latin American societies", which will take place during the July 19, 20 and 21, 2023, at the Universidad Estatal a Distancia, UNED, Costa Rica.
The objective of this congress will be to socialize the different research works developed in the participating nations with theoretical-practical approaches that allow Latin American societies to build inclusive communities, under the following thematic axes of the Social Economy (SE):
- SE and its link with public policies
- SE and ecological transformation
- SE and gender
- SE and satellite accounts
- SE and education
- SE and risk management
- SE and sustainable ventures
- SE and new legal forms of organization
- The SE and emerging economies and alternative economies.
Important dates:
Deadline for submission of papers and poster
Deadline for approval of paper and poster
Registration form
Presentation template (ppt)
Links of Interest
Observatorio Iberoamericano del Empleo y la Economía Social y Cooperativa
Place of the event
The event will be held on July 19, 20 and 21, 2023, at the Universidad Estatal a Distancia, UNED. Mercedes de Montes de Oca, San José, Costa Rica.
Scientific Comittee
- Alberto García Müller (Colombia)
- Bernardo Hernández Suárez (Colombia)
- Claudia Patricia Sacristan (Colombia)
- Elisa Lanas Medina (Ecuador)
- Federico Li Bonilla (Costa Rica)
- Gustavo Hernández Castro (Costa Rica)
- Isabel Giménez Zuriaga (España)
- Javier Torres Vindas (Costa Rica)
- Juan Fernando Álvarez (Colombia)
- Luis Belmonte (España)
- Marie Bouchard (Canadá)
- Marietta Bucheli (Colombia)
- Mirna Beñuelos (México)
- Monserrat Espinach Rueda (Costa Rica)
- Nadia Castillo (México)
- Paula Miranda (Chile)
- Paula Miranda Sánchez (Chile)
- Pedro Narvarte (Chile)
- Valeria Mutuberría (Argentina)